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 List of Standard HELP files and Commands for PCBoard 15.0
 HLP!      (!) Re-Display Last Command
 HLPA      (A)bandon a Conference
 HLPALIAS  (ALIAS) enable/disable
 HLPB      (B)ulletins
 HLPBR     (BR)oadcast a message to another node
 HLPC      (C)omment to the SysOp
 HLPCHAT   (CHAT) or (NODE) commands
 HLPCMENU  Menu available by pressing E while in chat
 HLPD      (D)ownload A File -also- (DB) Download Batch
 HLPE      (E)nter a message
 HLPENDR   Options available at the End of Message Command prompt.
 HLPF      (F)ile directories
 HLPFLAG   (FLAG) a file for download
 HLPFSCRN  Full-screen editor (entering a message)
 HLPG      (G)oodbye
 HLPH      (H)elp
 HLPI      (I)nitial Welcome
 HLPJ      (J)oin a conference
 HLPK      (K)ill a message
 HLPL      (L)ocate a file
 HLPLANG   (LANG) Change active language
 HLPM      (M)ode of graphics (if any)
 HLPN      (N)ew file scan
 HLPNEWS   (NEWS) Online news
 HLPO      (O)perator Page
 HLPP      (P)age length setting
 HLPQ      (Q)uick message scan
 HLPQWK    (QWK) mail transfers
 HLPR      (R)ead a message
 HLPREG    Set conference registrations (within user record edit)
 HLPREP    (REPLY) to a message
 HLPRM     (RM)  Re-read memorized message number
 HLPS      (S)cript questionnaire
 HLPSEC    Message security (when entering a message)
 HLPSEL    (SELECT) conferences to include in message scan.
 HLPT      (T)ransfer protocol
 HLPTEST   (TEST) a file that is available for download.
 HLPTS     (TS)  Search messages for text
 HLPU      (U)pload a file
 HLPUSERS  (USER)  Display list of users on the system
 HLPV      (V)iew user statistics
 HLPW      (W)rite personal information
 HLPWHO    (WHO) is currently online
 HLPX      (X)pert mode toggle
 HLPY      (Y)our mail scan
 HLPZ      (Z)ippy search the file directories.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson